Our story

It all started with four students reading the news and recognising one obvious fact: we need to change our consumption habits. After researching the possible options to be a better consumer, they understood two things. First, plenty of actors are trying to bring about solutions to make things better but they’re hard to find. Second, as a student in Switzerland, if you want to consume responsibly, costs can quickly escalate in a way which makes it hard to do better. Studdis was born.

Our vision

At Studdis, we aim at encouraging the local economy by promoting local actors to our student community.

To make that shift in consumption habits possible, we talk with our partners and we help to make that shift easy and more affordable for our student community.

The Student Way.

How does Studdis work?

Create an account

Create your account by following a few steps indicated in the sign-up page. Don't worry, it doesn't take long!

Verify your identity

We will verify your identity through your ID and your University/Apprenticeship certificate.

Start exploring

Once we have validated your account, you can begin to discover our partners and their unique offers.

Start benefiting

Choose the discount you wish to benefit from, show your QR code at the cashier and the discount will be applied to your purchase!

The team behind Studdis

Guillaume Bonnard Founder
Irlanda Calvo Head of Sales & Marketing
Valentina Agostini Head of Finance
Margaux Bonnard Legal Advisor
Benjamin Trigano Head of Partnerships